Bilharzial Liver Unit

Diagnostic Upper Endoscopy Training Course



Organization: Bilharzial liver unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University

Contact Information:


Mobile No:

Course Duration: 2 days/week for 12 weeks

Methods of training:

- Case studies.

- Oral Presentations.

- Tutorial sessions.

- Hand on Training

Target Audience:

· Gastroenterology specialists and consultants.

· Tropical medicine and endemic medicine doctors.

· Internal medicine doctors.

Learning Objectives IL Os:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Knowledge (K.UE.1):

Trainees should describe of the following:

K.UE.1.1: The components of the endoscopy equipment and how it works.

K.UE.1.2: The normal anatomy and pathophysiology of common GIT diseases and the expected endoscopic findings (videotapes, atlases, etc...).

K.UE.1.3: Appropriate indications and contraindications of the different diagnostic endoscopic procedures.

K.UE.1.4: Understand the steps for sterilisation of the endoscope.

K.UE.1.4: The risk factors attendant to endoscopic procedures and possible complications and how to manage them.

Skills (S.UE.1):

S.UE.1.1: Assess and refer patients appropriately for GI endoscopy and perform proper pre-endoscopic clinical evaluation including indications, contraindications and risk factors.

S.UE.1.2: Ensure that informed consent is obtained from the patient prior to endoscopy.

S.UE.1.3: Use safely and appropriately moderate sedation and familiarity in the administration of deep sedation.

S.UE.1.4: Perform diagnostic endoscopic procedures within the limit of their technical ability but to accepted national and international standards.

S.UE.1.5: Ensure patient safety is maintained during preparation for the procedure, throughout the procedure and in the period following the procedure.

S.UE.1.6: Interpret correctly and competently of most endoscopic findings.

S.UE.1.7: Integrate the endoscopic findings or therapy into the patient management plan.

S.UE.1.8: Appropriate and timely involvement of GI surgeon and radiologist.

S.UE.1.9: Collect appropriate specimens and provide direction on their handling.

S.UE.1.10: Provide clear and appropriate report of the endoscopic procedure.

Attitude (A.UE.1)

A.UE.1.1: demonstrate understanding of teamwork and competence in interaction with other healthcare professionals such as endoscopy or ward nurses, surgeons, radiologists, general practitioners and referring colleagues.

A.UE.1.2: Participate in personal and institutional audit of endoscopic practice and outcome.

A.UE.1.3: Explain the procedure to the patient in a way that helps the patient to understand what will be done.

Course Description

This course is organised to prepare each trainee to practice upper endoscopy safely in his institution. It is going to be held over 12 weeks. Each trainee will attend 2 days per week from 9 am to 3 pm. The course will comprise lectures and hands on training. There will be continuous assessment throughout the course to assess the need for extra training.

Course Schedule