Bilharzial Liver Unit

Fibroscan course


Organization: Bilharzial liver unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University

Contact Information: Email:


Course Duration: 5 days

Methods of training:

- Case studies.

- Oral Presentations.

- Interactive sessions.

- Tutorial sessions.

- Hand on Training

Target Audience:

· Gastroenterology specialists and consultants.

· Tropical medicine and endemic medicine doctors.

· Nutrition specialists and consultants.

· Radiology doctors.

· Internal medicine doctors.

Intended learning outcomes (IL Os):

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Knowledge (K.F.1)

  • K.F.1.1: Recognise the fibroscan procedure and its different modalities.

  • K.F.1.2: Recognise the indications of the fibroscan procedure and its diagnostic accuracy.

  • K.F.1.3: Identify the fallacies of fibroscan as a diagnostic procedure.

Skills (S.F.1)

  • S.F.1.1: Perform Proper fibroscan technique including proper probe placement and accurate readings.

  • S.F.1.2: Interpret the results of fibroscan and CAP readings in different settings.

  • S.F.1.3: Write a fibroscan report efficiently.

  • S.F.1.4: Explain the procedure to the patient in a way that helps the patient to understand what will be done.

Course Description

The course will comprise lectures and hand on training. Each trainee will be able to examine five patients with different diagnoses. At the end of the course each candidate will be assessed on five cases by the trainer.

Resources: Hall, chairs, Data show, fibroscan machine, bed, patients

For more information Contact us on Whatsapp: +201021284818