Bilharzial Liver Unit

Liver tumours Course


Name: Dr: Hend Ibrahim Shousha

Organisation: Bilharzial liver unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University

Contact Information:


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Course Duration: 8 days

Methods of training:

- Case studies.

- Oral Presentations.

- Interactive sessions.

- Tutorial sessions.

Target Audience:

· Gastroenterology specialists and consultants.

· Tropical medicine and endemic medicine doctors.

· Oncology specialists and consultants.

· Radiology doctors.

· Internal medicine doctors.

Intended learning outcomes (IL Os):

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Knowledge (K.LT.1)

  • K.LT.1.1:Discuss benign hepatocellular tumours.

  • K.LT.1.2: Discuss epidemiology, clinical features & guidelines for management of HCC.

  • K.LT.1.3: Identify the role of loco-regional therapy and radiologic therapy in treatment of HCC.

  • K.LT.1.4: Recognise the role of surgery in treatment of HCC.

  • K.LT.1.5: Recognise the role of liver transplantation as an option in HCC management.

  • K.LT.1.6: Describe other primary malignant tumours of the liver and Recall metastatic liver disease.

Skills (S.LT.1)

  • S.LT.1.1: Select, use and interpret appropriate investigations needed for diagnosis and follow up of patients with HCC.

  • S.LT.1.2: Recognise the implications of a positive or negative test result; perform further actions when it is required.

  • S.LT.1.3: Develop an action plan based on application and interpretation of clinical international and national guidelines and algorithms related to HCC.

  • S.LT.1.4: Select the proper treatment for the patient condition according to scoring systems, comorbidities and international guidelines.

  • S.LT.1.5: review every treatment modality including its technique and complications.

  • S.LT.1.6: Monitor disease course, response to therapy, prognosis and complications then modify patient management accordingly.

Course Description

The course will comprise lectures, case studies, interactive and tutorial sessions. At the end of the course each candidate will be assessed by MCQ case scenarios.

Resources: Hall, chairs, Data show

Course Schedule

For more information Contact us on Whatsapp: 01021284818