Bilharzial Liver Unit

Abdominal Doppler/Duplex ultrasound Course


Name: Dr: Mona Kadah

Contact Information: Email:

Mobile No:

Course Duration: 5 days

Method of teaching:

- Oral Presentations.

- Video sessions.

- Hand on Training.

Technical Discipline: Diagnostics

Target Audience

· Gastroenterology specialists and consultants.

· Tropical medicine and endemic medicine doctors.

· Internal medicine doctors.

· Radiology specialists and consultants.

Learning Objectives IL Os:

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Knowledge (K.AD.1):

  • K.AD.1.1: Understand the concept of Doppler abdominal ultrasound imaging.

  • K.AD.1.2: Recall the indications and uses of abdominal Doppler/Duplex ultrasound.

  • K.AD.1.3: Recognise the normal anatomy of the abdominal vessels in ultrasound imaging.

  • K.AD.1.4: Review the abnormalities of vascular flow in Doppler and abnormal wave patterns in Duplex.

Skills (S.AD.1)

  • S.AD.1.1: Identify the Doppler and Duplex modes.

  • S.AD.1.2: Locate the abdominal vessels efficiently.

  • S.AD.1.3: Recognise the normal wave patterns of abdominal vessels including abdominal aorta, IVC, portal vein, hepatic artery, hepatic veins, splenic vessels, SMA and renal vessels.

  • S.AD.1.4: Assess the patency of the abdominal vessels and differentiate between partial and complete thrombosis.

  • S.AD.1.5: Recognise the abnormal wave patterns of abdominal vessels in different diseases.

  • S.AD.1.5: Calculate the velocity and resistive index of vascular flow in abdominal vessels in different diseases where significant.

  • S.AD.1.7: Identify Intralesional vascular signals and recognise its patterns.

  • S.AD.1.8: Perform Doppler/Duplex abdominal ultrasound examination in a systematic manner.

  • S.AD.1.9: Comment on abdominal vessels efficiently.

Course Description

The course will comprise lectures, video presentations and hands on training. At the end of the course each candidate will be assessed on multiple cases by the trainer.

Resources: Hall, chairs, Data show, US machine, patient, bed

Course Schedule