Bilharzial Liver Unit

These are some research pearls of our unit from the date of establishment

1- El Raziky EH., Zakaria S., El Kalouby AH., Shaker Z.A., Ata AA and Battawy Y. (1979) Prevalence of HBsAg among Schistosomal Patients: I general Aspect. Egypt J. Bilh,; 8 (1-2) 1-10.

2- Zakaria S., El Raziky EH., El Kalouby A., H., Shaker Z.A. Hunter S., Ata A.A. and Battawy Y.(1979) Prevalence of HBsAg among schistosomal patients: II various stages of schistosomiasis. Egypt. J. Bilh.; 8 (1-2) 11-18.

3- Abdel Wahab MF., Strickland GT., El Sahly A., El Kady N, Zakaria S., Ahmed L. (1979) Changing Pattern of Schistosomiasis in Egypt. Lancet 4 Aug. ; 242-244.

4- Abd El Wahab, M.F., Strickland, T., El-Sahly, A., Ahmed, L., Zakaria, S., El Kady, N. and Mahmoud, S. (1980) Schistosomiasis Mansoni in an Egyptian Village in the Nile Delta. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. ; 29, 868-874.

5- Thakeb F, El Kalouby A.H., Ibrahim IM, Hunter S. Zakaria, S., and El Raziky E.H. (1980) Colonoscopic Polypectomy in Management of Schistosomal colonic polyposis. Egypt J.Bilh; 7, (1-2) 49-56.

6- Hassanein HI, El Demerdash ZA., Shaker Z.A., El Badrawy , Zakaria S., Aboul-Ezz F.M. and El-Raziky EH. Gammopathy in Schistosomiasis 1-changes in Immunoglobulin classes. Egypt J. Bilh. (1981); 8, (1-2) 21-28.

7- Zakaria S., Ashry A.H., El Kalouby A.H., Hassaneine HI and El-Raziky EH. Serum Protein in Ascitic and non ascitic cases of hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis. Egypt. J. Bilh (1981); 8 (1-2) 11-20.

8- El Raziky EH., Ahmed L., Zakaria S., and Zakaria M.S. Specific Antibodies in Schistosomal Colonic polyposis and non-polyposis patients. Egypt. J. Bilh (1982); 9 (1) 35-39.

10- Kamel M.A., Zakaria E., Mabrouk M.A., Zakaria S., Maddison S.E., Lawrence D.M., Hegazi A.R.M., and El Raziky S.H. Study of HLA antigens in patients with various clinical manifestations of intestinal schistosomiasis mansoni. Egypt. J. Bilh (1982); 9 (1) 1-7.

12- Zakaria S., Kamel M.A., Zakaria M.S., Nasef S and Mabrouk M.A. Screening of complement C 3 & C4 in human Schistosomiasis mansoni. Egypt. J.Bilhar (1982); 9 (2) 111-122.

14- Fahmy, KA, Abdel Aziz M.T., El Raziky EH., El-Nahry F., Zakaria S., and Therwat S. Effect of Protein of Diet on Murine Schistosomiasis Nurtrition Reports International (1983); 27 (1) 59-65.

15- Abbassy AF., Zakaria S., Zakaria M.S., Darwish and El-Raziky EH. Preliminary study on the maternal transmision of hepatitis surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-hepatitis surface antibody (anti-HBs) in pregnant women with schistosomiasis. Rep. J. Egypt. Soc. Ob/Gyn (1983); 1x (2) 81-86.

16- Kamel MA, Zakaria E, Mabrouk MA, Zakaria S, Hgazi AR, el Raziky EH, Maddison SE, Lawrence DN. HLA antigen frequencies in Egyptian patients with complicated schistosomiasis mansoni. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1984;78(6):850-1.

17- Abdel Aziz M.T., Hafiez A.A., El Raziky E.H., Gobba S., Zakaria S., and Salama M.K. Calcium metabolism in Bilharziasis. Applied Endocrinology in Egypt (1986); 3 (2) 199-208.

18- Kamel M.A., Zakaria S., Mabrouk M.A. and Zakaria E. HLA-ABC and DR in Schistosomal colonic polyposis. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. (1987); 17 (2) 609-613.

19- Zakaria S., Thakeb F., Shaltout F., Soheir Zakaria, Kotb A., Hunter S., and El Rooby A. Endemic hepatosplenomegaly, the commonest indication for upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy in Egyptian infants and children. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. (1987); (70) Suppl. 123

20- Zakaria S., Kamel M.A., Mabrouk M.A. and Zakaria E. HLA-ABC and DR. in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. J. Egypt Soc. Parasito. (1988); 18 (1) 253-257.

21- Farrag A., Ahmed L., Zakaria S., and Abdel Halem A. T. and B lymphocytes in bilharzial patients Egypt J. Bilharziasis (1988); 10 (1) 53-60.

22- Metwally A.A., Abou Madian A.A., Taha A.A., Zakaria S., Abdel Bary A. Pharmacokinetic of Salicylate in Bilharzial Patients. Egypt. J. Bilharz. (1988); 10 (1) 61-70.

23- Zakaria S., Mabrouk M.S., Zakaria M.S., Ismail M. Khalil A.M., El Kabouby A., Kamel M. and El Garem A.H. The role of schistosomiasis and type B hepatitis in the pathogenesis of endemic Egyptian hepatosplenomegaly. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. (1988); 18 (2) 421-429.

24- Zaki A.H., Tawadrous G.A., El Raziky E.H., Zakaria S., El Harrizi W.M. Abdel Sayed NI El Wakeel MA. Thyroid Hormonal Profile and New strategy for Thyroid function testing in Bilharzial patients. Med. J Cairo Univ. (1989); 57 (1) 59-73.

25- Zakaria M.S., Zakaria S., Farid A., El Hoshy K. and Khalil A. Case report: Managment of schistosomal perianal granuloma: A report of three cases. Med. J. Cairo Univ. (1989); 57 (1) 215-219.

26- Metwally A.A., Abu Madyan A.A., Taha A.A. and Zakaria S. Elimination of acetaminophen in schistosomal patients. Egypt. J. Bilharz. (1989); 11 (1-2), 145-153.

27- Abdel-Wahab, MF, G. Esmat, M. Milad, S. Abdel-Razek and GT Strickland. (1989) "Characteristic sonographic pattern of schistosomal hepatic-fibrosis." American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: 40, 72-76.

28- El Sahly A., Zakaria S., Ahmed L., Mabrouk M.A., Thakeb F., Zakaria M.S. Farrag A.K., Goldsmith R. Intestinal Helminthic and Protozoal Infection and urinary schistosomiasis in Egyptian children. J. Egypt Soc. Parasitol. (1990); 20 (1) 9-21.

29- El Sherbini E.M., Zakaria S., El Kalouby A. and Khalil A. Determiantion of anti-entero-bacterial common antigen in endemic hepatosplenomegaly. Med. J. Cairo University. (1990); 58 (2): 175-178.

30- Zakaria S., Salama Z, Salama H, Hassan M, El-Kabany M and El-Kaliouby A. Gall bladder status in patients with schistosomal & non-schistosomal chronic liver disease using ultrasonogrpahy. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. (1990); 73 (5-8) 289-295.

31- Abdel Wahab M.F., Salama M.H., Zakaria S., Mabrouk M. and Abdel Hamid F. Parasitic infections presenting as fever of unknown origin in Cairo: the diagnostic role of ultrasonography & serology. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol (1990).

32- Zakaria S, El Harizi W, El Khayat HRM, El Kaliouby AM, Abdel Aziz MT and El Garem A. Serum zinc and vitamin A levels in Egyptian patients with schistosomals & non schistosomal chronic liver diseases. Egypt. J. Bilharz. (1990); 12 (1-2): 1-16.

33- Abdel-Wahab, MF, G. Esmat, Si Narooz, A. Yosry, JP Struewing, and GT Strickland. (1990). "Sonographic studies of school children in a village endemic for schistosoma-mansoni." transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene 84: 69-73.

34- Zakaria S, & El Harrizi W. Serum lipids pattern in schistosomal & non schistosomal liver disease. Egypt Military Med. J. (1991); 36 (1): 38-40.

35- Zakaria S., & El Harrizi W. Serum prealbumin level as a sensitive indicator for protein deficiency in schistosomiasis. Egypt Military Med. J. (1991) ; 36 (1): 34-37.

36- M.Farid Abdel-Wahab, Gamal Esmat, Iman Ramzy, Rabab Fouad, Mahasen Abdel-Rahman, Ayman Yosery, Shaker Narooz and G Thomas Strickland (1992). Schistosoma haematobium infection in Egyptian school children: demonstration of both hepatic and urinary tract morbidity by ultrasonography. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: 86, 406-409.

37- Abdelwahab, MFA, and G. Esmat. (1992). "The value of ultrasonography in assessment of portal-hypertension in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis." Memorias do instituto oswaldo cruz; 87: 143-147.

38- Abdelwahab, MF, G. Esmat, A. FARRAG, YA ELboraey, and GT Strickland. (1992). "Grading of hepatic schistosomiasis by the use of ultrasonography." American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene; 46: 403-408.

39- Bassily, S., GT Strickland, MF Abdelwahab, G. E. Esmat, S. Narooz, NA Elmasry, NT Constantine, and JP Struewing. (1992). "Efficacy of hepatitis-B vaccination in primary-school children from a village endemic for schistosoma-mansoni." Journal of infectious diseases: 166: 265-268.

40- M. Farid Abdel-Wahab, Iman Ramzy, Gamal Esmat, Helmy El Kafass and G Thomas Strickland (1992). Ultrasound for detecting Schistosoma haematobium urinary tract complications: Comparison with Radiographic procedures. The Journal of Urology. 148: 346-350.

41- Abdelwahab, MF, G. Esmat, A. Farrag, Y. Elboraey, and GT Strickland. (1993). "Ultrasonographic prediction of esophageal-varices in schistosomiasis-mansoni." American journal of gastroenterology; 88: 560-563.

42- Azab ME, Zakaria S, Hussein M., Abdel Hamed MY, Abd El-Kader S and Kamel A.M. Evaluation of an ELISA test in past and present schistosomiasis. J. Egyp. Soc. Parasitol 23 (2) 437-443 (1993).

43- Zakaria S., Mabrouk M.A., El-Sherif N.H., Zakaria S.M., Said El-Din S.M, Kamel M.A. and El-Garem A.A. T Helper and T Suppressor Cells in Schistosomal and Non-Schistosomal Chronic Liver Disease. Egypt J. Bilh. (1993); 15, No. 1,2 PP 17-27.

44- Abdelwahab, MF, A. Yosry, S. Narooz, G. Esmat, S. Elhak, S. Nasif, and GT Strickland. (1993). "Is schistosoma-mansoni replacing schistosoma-haematobium in the Fyoum." American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 49: 697-700.

45- Kamel, MA, FD Miller, AG Elmasry, S. Zakaria, M. Khattab, G. Essmat, and YA Ghaffar. (1994). "The epidemiology of schistosoma-mansoni, hepatitis-B and hepatitis-C infection in Egypt." Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology; 88: 501-509.

46- Abdel Rahman Y, Zakaria E, El Sady G, Barsoum R. Francis AM, Zakaria S and El-Garem A. Micro abuminuria: An early Indicator of glomerular involvement in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Egypt J. Bilh. (1994); 16 (1-2) 137-156.

47- Mabrouk M.A., Abdel-Rahim A, Zakaria S. and El-Garem A. The Low frequency of hepatitis B virus infection in schistosomal and non-schistosomal Egyptian Army Recruits. The new Egyptian Journal of Medicine (1994); (5): 2263-2267.

48- Abdel Wahab F, Salama H, Esmat G, Medhat E, Fouad R, Zakaria S, and Kamel M. Concomitant hepatitis virus infections in patients with schistosomiasis mansoni in a rural community. J. Trop. Med. Gastroenterology, hepatology and infectious diseases 3. (1994); (2), 145-154.

49- Kamel M.A., Miller F.D., El-Massy AG., Zakaria S., Khattab M, Esmat G, and Ghaffar Y.A. The epidemiology of schistosoma mansoni, hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection in Egypt. Annals of Trop. Med. & Parasitol. (1994); 88 (5): 501-509.

50- M.F. Abdel-Wahab, Yaser A. EL-Boraey, Mahasen A. Mabrouk, Hesham Hussein, Iman Ramzy, Iman Medhat, Gamal Esmat, and Moemena A. Kamel (1995). Resistance to Schistosoma mansoni infection: immuno- epidemiological study. J. of Egypt. Med. Assoc. 78 (1-6) : 275-292.

51- Salama H., Esmat G., Medhat E., Hashem A, Zakaria S., Kamel M, Abdel Wahab F. The frequency of anti-HCV among Egyptian rural school children: its relation to schistosomiasis. Sci Med J. Cairo Med Synd (1995); 7 (2): 117-126.

52- El-Raziky M, Yosry A, Zakaria S, Mabrouk M, Hashem N, Kamel M and El-Garem A. (1996) The impact of schistoma mansoni infection and hepatitis C on the Immune response to HBV vaccine. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc.; 79 (1-6), 51-68.

53- Hussein H.M, Kaddah A, El-Borai Y.A, El-Batanony GA, Abdel Ghafar F.A and Zakaria S. (1996) Host and Parasite Determinants of Morbidity in Egyptian children with schistosomiasis. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol; 26 (3) 755-772.

54- M. Farid Abdel-Wahab, Iman Ramzy, Eman Medhat Hassan, Gamal Esmat , M. Talaat Abdel-Aziz, , M.Abdel –Aziz wassef, Mona El-Zein, Makram Milad, Tarek A., M. Hammad and G. Thomas Strickland (1995).Non-invasive methods for assessing hepatic fibrosis ultrasonographic, pathological and fibrogenic abnormalities of the liver in patients with schistosomiasis and post hepatic cirrhosis. J. of Egypt. Med. Assoc. 78 (1-6): 11-24.

55- Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, El-Boaraey Y, Nooman M, El-Garem H (1997): Morbidity due to schistosoma hematobium and schistosoma mansoni : comparison of single and combined infection in Fayoum and Menoufeya Governerate, Egypt. The Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association Vol 80 (7-12) : 241-52.

56- Mohamad Farid Abdel- Wahab, Yaser A. El-Baray, Ayman Yosery , Iman Ramzy, Hassan A. El-Garem and M. Abdel- Aziz Wassef MH (1999). Hepatic periportal fibrosis caused by schistosoma Haematobium Infection: Serum levels of Procollagen N-Peptide and Hyaluronic Acid and the Effect of Praziquantel treatment. Med. Cairo Univ. 67, (3) 685-695.

57- Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, Medhat E, Narooz S, Ramzy I, El Boraey Y, Strickland S (2000). The Epidemiology of Schistosomiasis in Egypt: Menofia Governorate. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 62(2) S, PP 28-34.

58- Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, Ramzy I, Narooz S, Medhat E, Ibrahim M, El Boraey Y, Strickland S (2000). The epidemiology of Schistosomiasis in Egypt: Fayoum Governorate. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 62(2) S, PP 55-64.

59- Abdel Wahab M, Esmat G, El Boraey Y, Ramzy I, Medhat E and Strickland S (2000). The Epidemiology of Schistosomiasis in Egypt: Methods, Training and Quality Control of Clinical and Ultrasonographic Examinations. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 62(2) S, PP 17-20.

60- Ramzy I (2002). Value of Liver Vascular Index as A Doppler Ultrasound Parameter in Cirrhotic Patients with Portal Hypertension in Relation to Hepatic Schistosomiasis. Kasr El Aini Medical Journal Vol. 8, (2): 95-108.

61- Gamal Esmat, Maissa El Raziky. (2009). Antischistosomal therapy: current status and recent developments. Arab J Gastroenterol; 10(1): 1-3.